Traffic Management

Roadworks - Code of Practice

The "Code of Practice 2000 - Main Roads WA, Traffic Management for Roadworks" document has been adopted for all traffic control and safety purposes. The document is for use by personnel in Local Government, Main Roads and authorised contractors to ensure a safer road network environment for both the road works and road users.

Only accredited personnel who have completed modules of the Main Roads WA "Traffic Management for Roadworks" training course can erect temporary traffic management signs.

To download a copy of the code visit Main Roads WA.


The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley participates in the RoadWise program for the Kimberley Region and allocates funds from its budget towards the promotion of road safety throughout the Shire.

For further information visit RoadWise.

Traffic counts

Traffic Counts are routinely taken on roads in the Shire using MetroCount Roadside Units. Data relating to number of vehicles per 24 hour period and the 85% percentile speeds are available on the Traffic Statistics document. 

Further detailed reports and counts for specific roads can be requested from the Infrastructure Directorate by email.