Wyndham Landfill/Transfer Station Community Update

Published on Thursday, 30 August 2018 at 8:08:54 AM

The Shire wishes to update the community of Wyndham on the discussions being held with the Regulator (DWER) regarding the Landfill Site and a proposed new Transfer Station.

Since the last update the Shire has been engaged with DWER and ASK Waste Management Consultants to establish whether or not it is possible to extend the life of the current Landfill facility. Ask Waste Management in conjunction with the Shire submitted to DWER a revised Landfill Closure Plan, which was approved by DWER on the 7th August 2018. We are pleased to advise that the life of the existing facility has been extended by a further 5 years, during which time the Shire will look at what options are available for consideration. It should be noted that DWER have indicated a preference for a Transfer Station in the future over a Landfill site for environmental reasons. The Shire will commence negotiations with DWER immediately in order to progress the matter further.

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