Online Form - Have your say: Draft Strategic Community Plan 2017 - 2027

The Strategic Community Plan 2017- 2027 is the overarching document that sets out the community's vision and aspirations for the future. It also highlights key objectives and strategies in which to achieve them.

In early 2017, the Shire conducted the Community Scorecard survey. The results of the survey along with additional stakeholder input, has enabled the Shire to update the Plan for 2017 to 2027. 

Now, the Shire wants to further refine the draft Plan, and particularly, ensure it is relevant and properly explains what needs to be done and how it will be achieved, which is the purpose of submitting your feedback.

The information you provide will be used to guide and assist in additional public meetings and information sessions that will lead to finalising the document for Council adoption.

For your convenience we have created an online feedback form, a downloadable copy. Hard copies of the feedback form can also be obtained at either the Kununurra or Wyndham Shire Offices or the Kununurra School and Community Library.

All feedback must be received in writing, either via the online form, hard copy submitted to the Kununurra or Wyndham shire Offices, via email to or post addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 614, Kununurra WA 6743.

We strongly encourage and welcome all input and feedback.


Navigate through the different form sections using the navigation on the left, or use the next/previous buttons located at the bottom of each step.

Please indicate what you believe are the main priorities for the Shire over the next 10 years. You can check as many boxes as you like.

Healthy, Vibrant, Active Communities
Enhancing the Environment
Economic Prosperity
Civic Leadership

Are there objectives the Shire should consider in addition to those already listed?

Do you think the document is easily understood?

The next phase will be the prioritisation phase in March 2018. 

Are you interested in participating?

If yes, please provide your contact details

Community feedback and input is important.

How would you like to be engaged in the future in relation to this review and future reviews of the Plan?

Community engagement methods

Do you have any additional comments?

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