Q. Can people now enter the Kimberley?
Yes, from 5 June 2020 anyone can travel into the Kimberley from within Western Australia. You don’t need police approval or to self-isolate for two weeks before you go there.
However, there are still State Government rules about who can enter remote Aboriginal communities.
And you still need an entry permit to go onto some Aboriginal Lands Trust reserves.
Q. What are the entry rules for remote Aboriginal communities?
The entry rules are explained in the State Government’s Remote Aboriginal Communities Directions.
The rules say that entry to remote Aboriginal communities is only allowed for:
- people who live or work there
- people entering for family or cultural purposes
- people entering to provide essential, community or human services or supplies, such as:
- food and fuel
- health care
- medical
- policing
- mail
- child protection
- education
- funeral services
- Centrelink
- play group
- governance/capacity building training
- Aboriginal ranger and conservation
- sports
- cultural activities, such as art, craft and dance
- employment or work programs
- native title and/or community business
If none of these apply to you, you can apply for special permission to enter a remote community (see below).
Some remote Aboriginal communities may have local protocols or other rules in place to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Even people who are allowed to go into remote Aboriginal communities should contact the community first to find out what rules or protocols apply.
You need to use safe behaviours when visiting a remote community, such as limiting your contact with residents, to minimise the spread of illness.
Information sources
You can call the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.
If you require a translating or interpreting services please call 131 450.
Otherwise, there are a number of Coronavirus resources available for the indigenous and remote communities. Here are a few reliable sources:
Free services available to assist you during COVID-19
Over 169 payphones across remote communities in Western Australia are available to use free of charge. This will help you stay connected to friends, family and health care services.
Coronavirus Symptoms

Local Health Clinic contact details:
- Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Services (OVAHS)
- Kununurra Community Health Service
- Wyndham Community Health Service
- Boab Health Services
- Warmun Health clinic
- Coolibah Health Centre
Helping to stop the spread of Coronavirus