Effluent is wastewater which can include water from a residential, commercial or industrial premises. There are specific guidelines which must be followed for disposal of wastewater.
Onsite Effluent Disposal
In many instances, connection to a sewer is not available for waste water disposal. In these cases, an onsite effluent disposal system is required. These can include septic systems, greywater systems or aerobic treatment units.
These systems must be approved by the Department of Health; specific requirements must be approved before installation (Permit to Construct) and inspected by an Environmental Health Officer before use (Permit to Use).
Click here to download an application form for the onsite disposal of wastewater.
Greywater is waste water from a house or premises not including water from the toilet. Greywater can be reused on gardens or lawns if a permitted greywater system is in place.
It is an offence under the Health (Treatment of Sewage and Disposal of Effluent and Liquid Waste) Regulations 1974 to install a Greywater Reuse System (GRS) without approval and an offence to use the GRS without a permit.
All greywater reuse systems must meet the legislative requirements of the Code of Practice for the Reuse of Greywater in Western Australia 2010.
Contact the Shire’s Environmental Health Department on (08) 9168 4100 for further information or visit the Department of Health’s Greywater Website Page.
Liquid Waste Transporters
Transporters of liquid waste are required to be licensed with the Local Government authority.
Contact the Shire’s Environmental Health Department on (08) 9168 4100 for further information.