The Shire's Environmental Health Officers routinely inspect all food businesses for compliance with the Food Act 2008, Food Regulations 2009 and Food Safety Standards to ensure hygiene and structural requirements are being maintained. The inspection rate is dependent on the food types sold or produced, risk categorization, previous inspection results and if vulnerable consumer groups are the targeted population.
In order to open a new food business within the Shire, you will need to ensure that you have the correct planning approval for the premises.
All prospective food business operators should make an appointment with a Shire Environmental Health Officer to discuss ideas to ensure the premises comply with all relevant legislation.
All food businesses must notify or register with the Shire by completing the application to register a new food business.
To transfer the registration of a food business you must complete an application to register a new food business.
Temporary Food Stalls (for markets or events)
Temporary food stall holders wishing to trade at approved events or at a recognised market within the Shire (including the Kununurra and Wyndham Markets) require approval from our Environmental Health Officers. All stallholders must notify or register with the Shire by completing the Temporary Food Stall Application form, which can be found here. Collective food vendor application form can also be found here.
Licence holders may use their temporary food stall licence to trade at multiple ongoing markets or events, specified within the licence (provided the organisers consent has been obtained).
The minimum standards for the operation of a food stall, provides an example of what a food stall should look like. When submitting an application please provide all relevant documentation such as proof of food safety knowledge and skills, an existing Certificate of Registration with another local council and a certificate of currency (public liability insurance) to avoid the delay in processing your application. Please allow 5 working days to process your application. Late applications will not be accepted.
For information on what will be required in order to operate a food stall please refer to Food Safety Standards.
Residential Food Premises
If you wish to sell food that you have prepared at home, then you must ensure you have obtained Home Occupation or Home Based Business planning approval first. Contact the Shire's Planning Services Department on 9168 4100.
For further information on what is required for residential food business to be suitable to prepare low risk foods contact the Shire’s Environmental Health Department on (08) 9168 4100 for further information or download an application form here.
Food Preparation in Residential Premises Guide
Food Premises and Product Complaints
Should you find a food business within the Shire that has unacceptable hygiene or maintenance standards, contact the Shire’s Environmental Health Department on (08) 9168 4100.
If you have found a foreign object in a food product, retain the portion of product and packaging and contact the Shire’s Environmental Health Department on (08) 9168 4100.
Suspected Food Poisoning
Food poisoning is caused by eating food or drink that is contaminated with food poisoning organisms including certain types of bacteria, parasites, viruses or toxins.
Symptoms of poisoning may include some or all of the following:
- Diarrhoea
- Nausea
- Stomach pains or cramps
- Vomiting
If you suspect you may have food poisoning you should consult your doctor immediately, especially if you have severe symptoms, and request analysis of stool specimens as this may help in investigating the cause of your illness. You should also report your illness to the Shire in writing, including as much information as possible.
For further information on food poisoning visit the Department of Health's Food Poisoning Fact Sheet.
Food Labelling
Food products are required to be labelled in accordance with the Food Standards Code. For more information regarding food labelling Food Standards Australia and New Zealand or download our Guide.