Ranger Services monitor and investigate complaints in relation to verges and thoroughfares. Issues may include litter, abandoned vehicles and untidy sites. Refer to Ranger Services Section for more details.
Any complaints regarding damage to verges and thoroughfares should be reported to the Shire's Infrastructure Directorate on (08) 9168 4100 or email mail@swek.wa.gov.au
Verge Paving
The Shire is committed to contributing to the improvement in aesthetics and amenity of the verges within the two towns (particularly those servicing commercial premises). The Verge Paving Policy outlines the eligibility and process involved in accessing the scheme. The Infrastructure Directorate provides support for implementing the policy.
Verge Furniture
Verge furniture includes the installation of park benches, bollards, and landscape structures, such as tree guards etc. Only approved street furniture may be incorporated on verges. The products must be manufactured for the explicit use as street furniture.
Street furniture must be installed as per the manufacturer’s specifications.
Verge Landscaping Treatments
Reticulated lawns may be installed without a permit. Reticulation control valves must be contained within the owner’s property.
All landscape developments must be submitted with detailed plans together with a verge application form for consideration and issuance of a permit.
Generally, plants selected for inclusion in a landscape planting on a verge must not exceed 0.75m in height. The owner of the property must ensure that shrubs planted do not exceed this height. Plants selected must not pose a hazard to the public (i.e. poisonous, irritant), or obstruct pedestrian access. Refer to CI 2.6 of the Activities in Thoroughfares and Public Spaces and Trading Local Law 2005 for further information.
Verge Activities
Application for developments on verges forms are received and assessed by the Infrastructure Directorate having regard for safety, access, environmental considerations and maintenance requirements. Verge developments include activities such as landscaping, tree planting, surfacing and structures. Applicants will also be required to consider the location of services, the location of the services can be obtained by contacting DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG on 1100 and if necessary contacting the relevant Authorities: