Draft Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan (CSCPP) (Closed)


Draft Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan for the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley.

The Shire is working with other agencies to update the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan for Kununurra and Wyndham and want to hear from the community on ideas that should be included in the Plan.

The Plan aims to promote a collaborative approach to crime prevention and safety across all levels of government and the wider community to improve the effectiveness and implementation of the actions and activities identified.

The Shire invites you to read the draft Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan and provide input into its refinement.  You can provide your feedback via email, letter, phone or commenting below all feedback will be considered.

Thank you for taking the time to assist with this important Plan.

The draft Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2018 is informed by the Shire’s Integrated Planning Framework and aligns with WA Policing Strategies, including the State Community Crime Prevention Plan.

The draft Plan is based on information derived from community and key stakeholder engagement undertaken as part of the renewal of the Strategic Community Plan, Australian Bureau of Statistics demographic data, WA Police crime statistics, previous crime prevention activities undertaken and bench marking and research.

Plan will be designed based on community and stakeholder feedback to:

  • Enable Council to make informed decisions about community safety priorities;
  • Capture existing community safety activity undertaken by the Shire and other agencies;
  • Identify future actions that can be undertaken; and
  • Provide evidence that will support potential funding opportunities.


The Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan (CSCPP) has been developed to integrate with other Shire plans and strategies. The CSCPP will also function as an important document to inform the development of future planning within the Shire. The plan has been written with the understanding that to successfully address community safety issues within a community it requires building partnerships with key organisations, groups and individuals. It also depends upon a multidisciplinary approach across Shire departments to ensure that community safety issues that impact upon the built, natural, economic and social environments of the Shire are addressed.


Addressing Local Priorities

The strategies and actions identified within this Plan will be implemented in close consultation with WA Police and other key stakeholders, to ensure that they complement other local activities and target identified priority areas and communities

Future Review

The Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan will be living documents requiring regular review, instigated by the Shire and contributed to by stakeholders and community members to ensure it remains current and relevant.

Key Priority Areas

The draft Plan has identified four key priority areas

  1. Community Awareness
  2. Safe Physical Environment
  3. Families, Children, Young People
  4. Alcohol and Other Drugs

Based on input and feedback from the community, available crime statistics and the Shire’s current Strategic Community Plan, a number of specific actions and activities have been identified and are incorporated into this Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan. 

These actions encompass four key priority areas linked to the Strategic Community Plan:


Key Priority Area 1 - Community Awareness

Key Priority Area 1 - Community Awareness

Purpose: To increase community awareness and understanding of how to prevent crime and maintain and improve safety.  

A major component of community safety and crime prevention is the development of public awareness around key safety messages. With awareness comes an increased community understanding of how to prevent and respond to safety issues and become actively involved in programs and activities that improve safety outcomes within the community.


Key Priority Area 2 - Safe Physical Environment

Key Priority Area 2 - Safe Physical Environment

Purpose: To create environments where people feel safe and that encourage healthy, vibrant, active lives.

The physical environment impacts on community safety and criminal activity. Creating a safe physical environment can be achieved through the management of public space, building and environmental design, land use and zoning, waste management, street lighting, and provision of recreational services.  CCTV is an example of a tool available to assist in the management of public spaces.


Key Priority Area 3 - Families, Children and Young People

Key Priority Area 3 - Families, Children, Young People

Purpose: To support families and improve the outcomes for children and young people helping people make the right choices

Research has identified that many young people who engage in criminal activities have been raised in dysfunctional environments. Their homes are often characterised by poor or absent parenting, alcohol and substance misuse, violence, poverty and joblessness, and chronic instability. What happens to children in the early years has consequences right through the course of their lives. Research in child development suggests that intervening in early childhood, is the most effective time to impact on the future development of children. Early intervention and education can reduce risk factors of young people engaging in antisocial and offending activity and promote positive behaviour.


Key Priority Area 4 - Alcohol and Other Drugs

Key Priority Area 4 - Alcohol and Other Drugs

Purpose: To reduce the incidence of alcohol and drug related harm through both enforcement and awareness raising that engages the whole community.
Drug and alcohol use can have significant consequences that result in crime and erosion of the public confidence in community safety. A significant proportion of the crime and anti-social behaviour is associated with alcohol intoxication. Alcohol intoxication is one of the major factors driving demand for police resources. Research by WA Police indicates that it is a factor in approximately 60 percent of calls for police attendance, and 90 percent of calls between the hours of 10pm and 2am.


Have Your Say - Draft Community Safety Crime Prevention Plan

Have Your Say will contain details and FAQs on how to have your say, the opportunity to ask questions and give feedback.

After consultation the Shire will then present the refined CSCPP to Council for Adoption. Once feedback is gained from the community, The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley will advertise the adopted Plan

Please comment below to have your say during the drafting period of the above local laws or email mail@swek.wa.gov.au

How can I provide comment about the draft Plan?

Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer at the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley by the closing date advised .

You can make a submission electronically or by post, here are the a few different ways you can do this

  1. Post a submission in writing to Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, Po Box 614 Kununurra WA 6748;
  2. Deliver a submission in writing to our Administration Office, 20 Coolibah Drive Kununurra or the Wyndham Office, Koolama Street, Wyndham 6740;
  3. Send your submission in an email to mail@swek.wa.gov.au 

If you simply wish to provide comment on the Plan please use the comment function below.


Contact Details

Phone: 08 9168 4100

Email: mail@swek.wa.gov.au


What is community safety?

What is crime prevention

Why have a Community Safety Plan?

What is the Shire’s role in Community Safety Plan?

What is the Shire already doing about community safety?

What is the Shire planning to do in the future about community safety?
