The Shire has undertaken significant planning and design regarding the redevelopment of the Kununurra Leisure Centre since the pool failure in 2012. The Kununurra Leisure Centre Redevelopment design encompasses the redevelopment of the Leisure Centre on the existing site. Initially, planning had included redevelopment proposals on the existing site as well as new developments at East Lily Creek. Both of the options, although having merit, required considerable funding in excess of $40m. In response to this and in light of funding that may be available, the Shire engaged architects Donovan and Payne (specialists in the design of community projects and aquatic facilities) to prepare a new proposal to the existing site which would essentially entail the retention of the main leisure centre building and the construction of new aquatic (pool) facilities including a water park feature. The architects met with key stakeholders and facility users and determined the following key priorities:
- Single level aquatic facilities for improved surveillance
- Consideration for facility cost including to maintain operating costs
- Improved disability access throughout the building - particularly in relation to the change rooms
- Increased storage
- Additional program (activity) space
- New entry including a kiosk or cafe space for parents and other visitors to the centre
- More flexible lap swimming being preferably a 50m pool which would have ability to transform to two 25m pools (with centre boom)
- Freeform pool with universal access (beach entry) and integrated learn to swim area
- Water park - flexible enough to be expandable but as a feature of the centre and also to be freely accessible at times
- Options to incorporate pool heating to extend usage through the dry season
- The need to optimise the use of the site area and to make the facility more attractive to families
Key features of the draft Concept Plan
Key features include:
- Construction of new freeform and 50m lap pool on a concourse level with the main facility as well as a toddlers pool. The suggestion is that a boom may be installed in the lap pool to allow the pool to be divided into two 25m pools if required.
- Splash pad/Water park. This is shown as a second stage of the proposal but given that funding has previously been agreed, is likely to be constructed in the initial stage.
- Renovated change rooms and toilets to conform with disability standards
- New entry and expanded gymnasium
- New and expanded storage areas
- Creation of a new programmable activity space or community meeting space by utilising part of the former Shire administration offices, being the newest part of the building closest and adjoining the centre
Why do we need to redevelop?
The existing Kununurra Leisure Centre aquatic facility is now over 30 years old and no longer meets the expectations and needs of today’s leisure centre user groups. The Aquatic Facilities have also reached the end of their serviceable life and now require major structural works.
The concept proposal addresses the fundamental need to replace the aquatic facilities which are at risk of failure. The Plan, at least in the initial stage, would also address the poor standard of the change facilities and toilets to bring them in line with modern standards and with disability requirements, which is a priority for the purpose of bringing the centre into compliance with disability standards. Eventually, through the progressive implementation of the plan, the centre will have an improved and more ‘legible’ entry point that also meets these standards and also provides improved amenities for users, families and other guests of the facility.
The design of the new aquatic facilities has the potential to meet the needs of the community for the next 20 to 25 years with the option of constructing a 50m pool. The addition of a water park feature along with the freeform pool design, all on the one level, will improve management and surveillance and has the potential to be an attractor to the centre. Additional advantages to the concept design include the provision of expanded storage and gymnasium and improved amenities and landscaping such as BBQ huts and sporting club facilities for the benefit of centre users and families. Consideration has also been given to containing operational costs to acceptable limits and in particular to ensure that the Shire does not need to employ additional recreation staff. Additional research will also be undertaken to determine costs associated with heating the pool in association with other (staged) out-year proposals.
The reduced footprint of the site will allow the Shire to plan for redevelopment of part of the former Shire Administration and allow for potential expansion and enhancement of Tourism House, but including the provision of new programmable and community spaces. Additional work will, nevertheless, need to be undertaken to improve the number of car parking spaces and improve access to car parking and space is available around the centre for this purpose.
What are the costs?
The entire cost of the proposed redevelopment is $23m.
The project has been costed into two components, being staged fundamentally to replace the current aquatic facilities which are at their end of useful life and subject to failure.
First stage aquatic facility: $17,267.147 (excluding splash pad)
- Building works and pools excluding 50m pool - $1,565,625
- Construction of new 50m pool - $3,240,000
- Leisure Pool, Program Pool, Toddlers Pool - $2,078,000
- External works - $502,500
- External services - $210,000
- Builders Preliminaries - $911,535
- Contingencies (17%) - $1,531,379
- Professional Fees - $1,204,685
- 60% district loading - $6,023,423
Ideally within this stage the pool side and hall change rooms and toilets would also be renovated which would cost in the order of $275,000 as these were previously identified as priority works. The additional proposals (within subsequent stages) in the masterplan for the complex would add and additional $4.5M in costs and would need to be programmed and funded in separately.
Separate funding has previously been provided for the construction of the splash pad/water park component which would constructed within the first stage of the proposal, in the order of $590,000.
Some discussion and preliminary costings associated with potentially heating the pools is included in the Design Report and is able to be integrated into future enhancements of the centre.
Have Your Say
Have Your Say will contain details and FAQs on how to have your say, the opportunity to ask questions and give feedback.
After consultation the Shire will then present the refined Concept Plan to Council for adoption. Once feedback is gained from the community, The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley will advertise the adopted Plan
Please comment below to have your say or email mail@swek.wa.gov.au
How can I provide comment about the Concept Plan?
Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer at the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley by the closing date advised .
You can make a submission electronically or by post, here are the a few different ways you can do this
- Post a submission in writing to Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, Po Box 614 Kununurra WA 6748;
- Deliver a submission in writing to our Administration Office, 20 Coolibah Drive Kununurra or the Wyndham Office, Koolama Street, Wyndham 6740;
- Send your submission in an email to mail@swek.wa.gov.au
If you simply wish to provide comment on the Plan please use the comment function below.