Why is the Council Updating its Local Laws?
All Local Laws must be reviewed every eight years. The Shire has prioritised 4 Local Laws to be reviewed every 12 months until such time as the local laws meet the requirements for review under the Local Government Act.
Will I know if my feedback has been received?
Yes, all written submissions and comments received will be acknowledged.
What will happen with any submissions I make?
Any submissions received in relation to a local law proposal will be considered. This might result in changes to the proposal. If the change is minor, the proposal can be updated and proceed to be presented to Council for adoption. If there are any major changes the Shire is required to re-commence the process of making the local law and a new draft will be produced for Council consideration and public submission.
How can I find information about the processes for developing a local law, and why?
How can I find information about the processes for developing a local law, and why?
Section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995 sets out the requirements for the development of local laws. The operational guidelines for local laws published by the Department for Local Government and Communities can be found on their website.
Where will Local Law Advertising Occur?
The community will be notified of any local law proposals in a local newspaper and in the State wide West Australian newspaper. Notices will also be displayed at the Shire’s Administration Offices and libraries, where copies of the proposals can also be viewed. Have Your Say SWEK will contain copies of all notices and proposals, information about the status and progress of the Shire’s changing local laws, and provide you with the opportunity to provide feedback, make submissions and ask questions relating to all local law proposals.
All public notices and proposals will also be available for viewing on the Have Your Say consultation page on the Shires Website.
Who will be consulted as part of the Local Laws's Review?
Consultation is open to the public and all community members are encouraged to participate.
How do I make a submission relating to a local law proposals?
All local law proposals will be published for public viewing and consultation. The Shire has decided to offer the public the opportunity to contribute before the statutory requirements to assist in the drafting of the amendments to the local laws. Once drafted the Shire will then re-invite feedback and ask for public submissions on the proposals for a minimum of 42 days.