For events coordinated by the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley please see the Events Calendar below.
The Community Events Calendar is coordinated by Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley and Kununurra Visitor Centre.
2018 Calendar of Events
The Shire and Kununurra Visitors Centre are jointly developing a Community Events Calendar for 2018 to be displayed on both our websites and available for the entire community to access.
This will assist organisers with their planning and help to coordinate major events and reduce clashes.
Examples of activities that can be included on the Events Calendar are concerts, festivals, art shows, grand finals, special days, workshops, coaching clinics – in fact just about anything you would like the community to participate in or know about!
The calendar will be regularly updated so please remember to phone or email if your event changes or if you have additional events to add to the calendar. In addition the Kununurra Visitor Centre website will highlight detailed information about your event including photos and flyers.
Registration forms are available here and can be emailed to mail@swek,wa, or returned to the Shire Office. Alternatively, contact Kununurra Visitor Centre on 9168 1177 or