2019/20 Community Grants Scheme

Published on Thursday, 13 June 2019 at 5:11:57 PM

Due to an incorrect date being advertised on the Shire website the closure for the Community Grants Scheme has been extended as per the Community Grant Scheme Policy CP/COM-3582.  

The Shire would like to inform not for profit, community based, sporting, cultural, service groups and associations that the Annual and Rates Assistance Grant close 30 June 2019! 

The Shire is committed to providing support to these groups through the provision of Annual Grants and Rates Assistance Grants.

Annual Grants:

Annual Grants provide the opportunity for community groups to apply for funding for larger scale projects over $500.00 plus GST.

 Annual Grants may support (noting eligibility requirements):

  • Capital Works
  • Purchase of equipment; or
  • General project expenses.


Rates Assistance Grants (New):

Rates Assistance Grants provide the opportunity for community groups occupying rateable land to apply for assistance for the payment of their rates. A Rates Assistance Grant is only applicable to rates, and not to service charges, the waste management charge, and/or the Emergency Services Levy.

 The Annual and Rates Assistance Grant Application Form can be located on the Shire webpage www.swek.wa.gov.au/grants.aspx, or contact the Community Development Team on 9168 4100

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