Published on Wednesday, 22 April 2020 at 2:28:04 PM
Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and restrictions put in place by State and Federal Government, the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley would like to advise the location of all Meetings of Council will occur by eMeeting, which will be administratively run from the Kununurra Administration Building. As per regulation 14D(3) and (4) the Shire President has approved a method for conducting all Council and Committee Meetings which can be summarised as follows;
- Meetings of Council will not be open to the public; however, for transparency, a limited number of journalists may attend by application.
- The Councillors will attend the meeting online; however, it will not be live-streamed or broadcast to the public. Minutes of the meeting will be available to members of the public within five working days.
- Members of the community are advised to send their questions for Public Question Time to by 4:00 pm the business day prior to the meeting. Public Question Time form can be found on
A comprehensive report to the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 April will include the adoption of the revised Public Question Time Policy, Public Question Time form and eMeetings Procedure.
Changes to the Meetings of Council will come into effect from Tuesday 28 April 2020.
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