Local Government supports the Government actions to protect the Kimberley

Published on Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 1:15:39 PM

Local Government supports the Government actions to protect the Kimberley

The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley welcomes the recent announcement by the State Government to introduce new travel restrictions to the Kimberley region.

Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley President, Cr David Menzel said Local Government leaders in the Kimberley have been working in partnership with the State Government to achieve this outcome.

“The announcement by the State Government is the right way to give protection to the largest number of the vulnerable and in doing so protect us all.

“In the Kimberley, this gets us ready to slow the spread of the virus if or when it gets to us,” Cr Menzel said.

The population of the Kimberley has a bigger proportion of highly vulnerable Aboriginal people in it than any other region. Almost 200 communities need to be protected but the big challenge is that the Kimberley is so interconnected.

“The region will do well from this decision because we are not unaccustomed to a bit of isolation – think about what happens in cyclone and flood events.”

Cr Menzel said that the focus now, is for Kimberley people to step up and make the most of this decision.  He said as many people as possible should observe strict social distancing, self-isolation and hygiene requirements.

“Don’t wait for the next set of more drastic rules. Do what you can now in your own lives and decisions, to make sure that the virus is given very little chance of spreading.

“For those interested in how the announcement will be implemented, you will have to wait a little longer, as the State implementation arrangements are taking shape as we speak.

“We are working together to beat this so let’s get behind this strong push which allows us to do what we need to do, with no delay.

“It is going to be complicated with all our business links across the border, but we just have to get through it,” he said.

As a local government, the Shire is responsible for taking precautionary measures to minimise risks to health at public events and facilities in the face of this pandemic and we will continue to take the advice of State and Federal Agencies when making decisions which affect the community.


The WA Department of Health and Premier and Cabinet has declared the HealthyWA website and State Government Coronavirus page as the single sources of truth as the situation with this pandemic is changing daily. It is important to not follow information from unofficial sources. All information should be consumed from the list of reliable sources below:

HealthyWA page https://healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/Coronavirus
State Government Coronavirus Page https://www.wa.gov.au/government/coronavirus-covid-19
Coronavirus hotline 1800 020 080.
Travel information www.smarttraveller.gov.au
Western Australian Government Pandemic Plan https://www.wa.gov.au/sit…/default/files/2020-03/WAGPP_2.pdf

Coronavirus hotline: 1800 020 080

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