Local Planning Policy Review - LPP11 & 12

Published on Tuesday, 2 August 2022 at 9:50:10 AM

Local Planning Policy Review

 Notice is hereby given that the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley is currently reviewing Local Planning Policies and the following actions are proposed:

 The Policy provides information in relation to the location, design and specific requirements for workforce accommodation within the Shire.


The Policy provides information in relation to the location, design and specific requirements for temporary workforce accommodation camps within the Shire.


  • To establish clear definitions for terms used in this policy.
  • To provide a clear and practical planning framework for consideration of proposals for a temporary workforce accommodation camp.
  • To specify information required to be provided by Applicants in the preparation of an application for a temporary workforce accommodation camp.
  • To provide a reasonable level of amenity, and ensure the health and safety of workers residing in a temporary workforce accommodation camp.


The proposed amendments may be inspected on the Shire’s Website or at either the Kununurra Administration Office or the Wyndham Administration Office.

Submissions must be made by close of business 26 August 2022 and should be directed, in writing, to the Shire’s Planning Department via:

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