Published on Thursday, 8 February 2024 at 11:25:36 AM
Following an inspection conducted on Wednesday 31 January, Shire staff, with the assistance of CGL, have been actively working on a comprehensive plan to address the damage sustained by the pontoon's far end.
Key updates on the repair progress include:
- Completed the damage assessment for insurance purposes, covering inspectable components.
- Finalised the detachment plan on Thursday 1 February, with equipment sourcing underway.
- Successful removal of the damaged end pontoons on Wednesday 7 February.
- Installation of a rail is underway at the temporary terminus of the pontoon to facilitate public access and use of the remaining functional area.
- Transport of the removed damaged sections to Kununurra for repair.
The Shire is committed to restoring the pontoon to a safe and usable condition for the community. We will endeavour to advise the public once the pontoon is open for use.
We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding during this process.
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