Wyndham Landfill Resolution

Published on Friday, 13 September 2019 at 8:00:00 AM

The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley is pleased to announce that at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Tuesday 27 August, Council considered a report on the future of the Wyndham Landfill and voted unanimously to extend the existing site.

Over the course of the past few months Officers have worked with Council to review all options including extensive data collection, cost modelling and a risk review. This comprehensive information and the results of all community consultation was presented to Council.

Community consultation showed that Wyndham residents were strongly opposed to a transfer station. Council has listened to the community as well as considered all research in relation to the presented options.

Shire President David Menzel said “It’s great to see Council take time to fully consider all of the information presented before determining a great outcome that has community support. We can now begin works to extend the current site.”

“Can I take this opportunity to thank Council for their diligence in exploring all of the options before making a decision, the Officers for providing significant information to support Council’s decision making and the community for providing valuable feedback. As a consequence I think we have made a sound decision for the Wyndham community.”

The extension is predicted to add another 40 years of operation to the facility at the current rate of waste disposal.

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