Ranger Services

Shire Rangers

The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley Rangers is responsible for a variety of services and work collaboratively with government bodies and agencies. Below are a list of those services and the appropriate contacts. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Does Your Local Ranger Do?

Rangers are Local Government law enforcement officers responsible for the management of a number of Acts of Parliament and Local Laws within the Shire.

What Is An Act Of Parliament?

A proposal for a new law that has been presented to Parliament is called a Bill. When a Bill is processed and passed through Parliament, it becomes an Act of Parliament. Acts of Parliament are enforced by government departments and agencies, or organisations that have been given responsibility from the government to implement or enforce their policies.  For example: Police Officers, Local Government Rangers, Department of Environment and Conservation and the RSPCA.

What Is A Local Law?

Local Governments (For example: Councils) have the power to make local laws considered necessary for the good governance of their districts. Local and State wide comment from the public is considered before the proposed laws are accepted.  The Shire Ranger Services implements and enforces policies that deal with many different Acts and Local Laws and some of these are listed below:

  •  Abandoned Vehicles
  •  Parking
  •  Off-Road Vehicles
  •  Portable Signs
  •  Verges and Thoroughfares
  •  Litter
  •  Illegal Camping
  •  Fire Hazards
  •  Dogs
  •  Animals Welfare
  •  Feral Cats

For more information contact the Rangers at the Shire office

Abandoned Vehicles 

Ranger Services is responsible for locating abandoned vehicles within the Town and investigate many jobs each year that deal with abandoned vehicles on council land or roads. Many of these vehicles are derelict and although a lot of vehicles are reported due to them being parked on people’s verges or roadside, unfortunately, most of them are found in bushland.

Rangers put notices on the vehicles giving the owners a chance to remove them. Vehicles that still remain after the time on the notice expires are towed to either the tip or impound yard, depending on their condition.

Police checks are conducted for each vehicle so that Ranger Services can attempt to notify any registered owners.

Cars that are impounded can be auctioned or put to tender (sold) 2 calendar months from the date that they are impounded.

To report an abandoned vehicle contact Ranger Services at the Shire office.

To have your vehicle released from the impound yard

You will need to:

  • Go to the Shire Administration building at 20 Coolibah Drive Kununurra - Monday to Friday between 8.00 am and 4.00 pm for the associated paperwork to be completed. (For Wyndham residents, visit the or 6 Koolama Street, Wyndham between Monday - Friday (8am - 12pm or 12:30pm - 4pm)
  • Pay all associated fees i.e, impound fee, and daily charges.
  • Provide proof of ownership (bill of sale/registration papers)
  • Provide proof of identification (drivers Licence) and current address.

Vehicles may only be released during the hours that the Shire Administration is open. The Ranger on duty will need to see a receipt of payment of impound fees before they will release the vehicle. Vehicles that are not roadworthy or currently registered must be towed from the impound yard.

Shire Administration Hours


Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.

Phone: (08) 9168 4100

Fax: (08 9168 1798


Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 12.00pm, 12.30pm - 4.00pm

Phone: (08) 9161 1200

Fax: (08 9161 1295

Wildlife and Pests 

The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley is responsible for the management of animals and pets, including domestic cats and dogs, within the area.

For information on cats and dogs please see Pets and Animals, or for information on Poultry & Other Animals click here.

Snakes and Reptiles

Have a snake in your yard? Your first point of contact should be the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA), who can be contacted on (08) 9168 4200.

Injured Native Birds & Animals

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) is responsible for investigating injured native fauna and protected species. If you come across any injured birds, reptiles, kangaroos, emus, etc. DBCA can be contacted by phone (08) 9168 4200.

Bees and Wasps

Complaints regarding bees and wasps on your verge or other land owned by the Shire should be directed to the Shire’s Ranger Services team. If the bees or wasps are located on private land, the owner of that land is responsible for the removal.

For safe removal of bees and wasps, please check the local phone book for qualified people.


Estuarine or saltwater crocodiles can be extremely dangerous. For further information on crocodiles please see the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions website.

Sightings of estuarine crocodiles should be reported to your local Department of Parks and Wildlife office.

Cane toads

Cane toads are a declared pest in Western Australia and are toxic throughout their life cycle. Not only do they impact severely on our wildlife, but can also cause harm or death to our domestic pets.

For information on cane toads, how to identify and dispose of them please visit the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development or Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attraction.

Cyclone Management 

Typically, the cyclone season in Northern Western Australia commences on 1 November and concludes on 30 April each year.

If a cyclone approaches the East Kimberley, the cyclone's progress can be monitored by accessing the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) website: https://www.dfes.wa.gov.au/andhttps://www.emergency.wa.gov.au

The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) website: http://www.bom.gov.au/wa/

 Alternatively, local radio station 603AM will broadcast up to date cyclone information.

More information here

Emergency Management

The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) is a Committee established under the WA Emergency Management Act 2005, to prepare and manage local community emergencies.

The LEMC consists of representatives from essential services including the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, Department of Fire and Emergency Service (DFES), State Emergency Service (SES) Child Protection Family Services, WA Country Health, Saint John Ambulance, Police, local Industry representatives, utilities and other government agencies. The Committee meets on a regular basis to plan strategies to prevent emergencies occurring and to be prepared when they do occur. Part of the preparation is the holding of emergency exercises to test the efficiency of the operational procedures of agencies responding to an emergency and to make improvements where necessary.

The LEMC has a proactive approach to emergency management that is abbreviated to PPRR – Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery.


Prevention activities eliminate or reduce the probability of occurrence of a specific hazard. They also reduce the degree of damage likely to be incurred.

The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, in conjunction with the LEMC actively promotes measures to prevent or minimise the effects of emergencies within the Shire. These measures include the enforcement of Legislation and Local Laws relating to Town Planning, Building, Fire Control and Environmental Health. Activities such as fire mitigation works, flood drainage works  and public cyclone clean-up work.


Preparedness activities focus on essential emergency response capabilities through the development of plans, procedures, organisation/management of resources, training and public education.

The Shire and Hazard Management Agencies actively promote preparedness for emergency situations by:-


Response activities combat the effects of the event, provide emergency assistance for casualties, help reduce further damage and help with recovery operations.

The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley will make its staff and resources available for response to emergency situations when requested. The Local Emergency Arrangements details the general response by the Shire in support of the Hazard Management Agency.

Click here to view the Local Emergency Management Arrangements


Recovery activities support communities in reconstruction of the physical infrastructure and restoration of emotional, social, economic, environmental and physical well-being. During recovery operations, actions are taken to minimise the recurrence of the hazard and/or lessen the effects on the community.

In a large scale emergency or disaster affecting our community, the full resources of the Shire, in conjunction with other government departments, will be directed towards the restoration of services and facilities.

The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley Local Recovery Plan details the arrangements to manage the recovery process following an emergency. 

Click here to view the Local Recovery Plan

More information here

Fire Management

Ranger Services has a number of Bush Fire Control Officers that are responsible for investigating and monitoring residential, commercial and rural properties within the Shire for potential fire hazards and compliance with the Bush Fire Act, Regulations and Local Laws.


The Shire assists the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) with the monitoring, reporting and control of bushfires within its Municipal boundary. 

Pursuant to Appendix 4: Bush Fires Act Prohibited and Restricted Burning Times, Wyndham/East Kimberley restricted burning period each year is between 1 March to 14 January.

Applications for burning off, or for conducting firefighting drills, will be made to the Fire Control Officer. Some approvals may need to be sought from the Minister. For further information, contact the Shire’s Fire Control Officers (Ranger Services), on (08) 9168 4100 during business office hours. 

Information relating to the Bushfires Act and control of bushfires is available at https://www.dfes.wa.gov.au/

Details of daily fire ratings can be found at http://www.bom.gov.au/wa/forecasts/kununurra.shtml.

Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley Firebreak Order and Bushfire Information 2024 onwards

A fire shall not be lit during the Restricted Period unless and until a notice of intention to burn has been given to the occupier of all land adjoining the land on which the burning is to take place and to a Fire Control Officer from the Shire.

A person who has lit a fire or person left in attendance of fire shall completely extinguish the fire by application of water or earth before leaving it. 

Be Bushfire ready. Find out more here


During the Shire's restricted burning times (1 March - 14 January), a person must have a permit to burn prior to burning.

Permits are at no cost to the applicant however, they can only be issued by authorised Fire Control Officers. To obtain a permit contact a Fire Control Officer at the Shire office.

Appointed FCO's (Fire Control Officers) require 48 hours notice to assess an application.  Applications must include supporting documentation including:

  • Burn plans of the proposed area;
  • Type of material proposed to burn;
  • Dates of the proposed burn; and
  • Contact details.

Late applications may result in the permit being denied.

Click here for a Fire Permit Request Supporting Information form.

Burning Within Town Limits

A fire lit for the purpose of destroying garden refuse or any like purpose is prohibited.


  • Burning rubbish or refuse - Section 4.2.13 Health Local Laws 2003 (Health Act 1911).
  • Escape of smoke etc. - Section 5.1.3 Health Local Laws 2003 (Health Act 1911).
  • Burning garden refuse prohibited if fire danger very high to catastrophic - Section 24D Bush Fires Act 1954.
  • Burning garden refuse during limited burning times - Section 24F Bush Fires Act 1954.
  • Minister or Local Government may further restrict the burning of garden refuge - Section 24G Bush Fires Act 1954.
  • Permit to burn the refuse of proclaimed plants during prohibited burning times - Division 2 Bush Fire Regulations 1954.

A fire lit for the purpose of Camping/Cooking

  • A person can light a small fire (including small contained fire pits) for the purpose of cooking/camping at any time of the year unless the fire danger forecast is High, Extreme or Catastrophic.
  • Fires must be cleared of any inflammable material within a 3-metre radius.
  • Fires shall not be lit within 6 metres of a tree, dead or alive.
  • At least one person MUST remain in attendance of fire.
  • Any directions given by a Bush Fire Control Officer must be followed.
  • Can only be lit between the hours of 18:00hrs in the evening and 23:00hrs of the same day.


  • No fire to be lit in the open air unless certain precautions are taken - Section 25 Bush Fires Act 1954.

Cooking With Gas Appliances

A gas-lit appliance comprising a fire, the flame of which is encapsulated by the appliance and which does not consume solid fuel shall not be taken as to be fire lit in the open air and may be used at any time for the purpose of camping or cooking if that gas appliance is used-

  • At a person’s home, or
  • In an area that is set aside for that purpose by the state authority or local government that bears a sign denoting that purpose, and 
  • All combustible material is cleared from within a 5-metre radius of the appliance.

Fire Danger Rating System 

The new and standardised Australian Fire Danger Rating System (AFDRS) came into effect 1 September 2022. It is important that all residents understand what this means for bushfire plans, and how this affects those who use fire.

Number of Rating Classifications:  The iconic ‘watermelon’ style indicator will be reduced from six ratings to four (Moderate, High, Extreme, Catastrophic).   The system also has a ‘no rating’ used where there is no tangible fire risk.  

‘HIGH’ is the new ‘VERY HIGH’ – Legislation dictates what burning/activities may or may not be undertaken in certain conditions with added restrictions formerly triggered at ‘VERY HIGH’.  Under the AFDRS scale, all such restrictions will now commence at a Fire Danger Rating of ‘HIGH’ (see table below).  This applies in particular to permit holders during the Restricted Burning Period – all permits will be automatically void on days forecast as HIGH or above.


Where to find the Fire Danger Rating:                                                                                         

 For more information about the AFDRS visit https://www.afac.com.au/initiative/afdrs

Illegal Camping

Ranger Services investigate and monitor complaints regarding individuals or groups camping illegally on Shire land.

If you have a complaint regarding people camping illegally on Shire land please contact the Shire's Ranger Services.

Complaints regarding squatters on private land should be directed to the local Police Department.

General Camping Rules

Camping or sleeping in your vehicle/caravan overnight within the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley is not permitted unless you are using a caravan park or designated 24 Hour Rest Area.  Every person in a vehicle caught camping may receive an infringement as per The Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995.

There are many caravan parks available in the Shire with a choice of caravan and camping sites.  It is recommended that you book ahead with your travel plans so that you are not caught without accommodation on arrival. If you do arrive without accommodation Visit the Kununurra Visitor Centre at  75 Coolibah Drive, Kununurra, visit www.visitkununurra.com or call 1800 586 868.

24-hour rest areas are not intended for camping and stopping is NOT to exceed more than 24 consecutive hours. Main Roads WA provides rest areas along the Great Northern Highway and Victoria Highway within the Shire. Got to https://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/UsingRoads/TouringWAMaps/Pages/RestAreas.aspx  for Main Roads rest areas locations within the Shire.

The Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995 states, it is an offence to camp, other than in a registered Caravan Park or Camping Ground. "Camp" is defined as meaning any portable shed or hut, tent, tent fly, awning, blind or any other portable thing used as, or capable of being used for, habitation and includes a vehicle.

Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1995 states, the term “camp” includes to camp in a vehicle.

R10.  Where a person may camp

A person may camp only —

(a) at a site in a caravan park or camping ground, as appropriate, licensed under the Act; or

(b) in accordance with regulation 11. Penalty: a fine of $1 000.

R11. Camping other than a caravan park or camping ground

(1) A person may camp —

(a) for up to 3 nights in any period of 28 consecutive days on land which he or she owns or has a legal right to occupy, and may camp for longer than 3 nights on such land if he or she has written approval under

sub-regulation (2) and is complying with that approval; or

(b) for up to 24 consecutive hours in a caravan or other vehicle on a roadside rest area; or

(c) for up to 24 consecutive hours in a caravan or other vehicle on a road reserve in an emergency, unless to do so would cause a hazard to other road users or contravene any other written law with respect to the use of the road reserve; or

(d) on any land which is —

(i) held by a State instrumentality in freehold or leasehold; or

(ii) dedicated, reserved, or set apart under the Land Administration Act 1997 or any other written law, and placed under the care, control or management of a State instrumentality,

in accordance with the permission of that instrumentality; or

(e) on any unallocated Crown land or unmanaged reserve, in accordance with the permission of the Minister within the meaning of the Land Administration Act 1997, or a person authorised by the Minister to give permission under this paragraph.

Impounded Animals and Animals for Adoption

At the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley, we understand that losing a pet can be a traumatic experience so we encourage the community to report any lost or found pets to ensure you are reunited with your pet as soon as possible. Reports can be made via email mail@swek.wa.gov.au,
 or by phoning 08 9168 4100.​



DATE:            21/10/2024                                      

LOCATION:   Kununurra    

BREED:     Crossbreed 

COLOUR:   Tan 

AGE:          2yrs +   

GENDER:   Female









































Seizure Fee -

  • Dog $115 / Cat $130
  • Poundage Fee DOGS Per Day $25.00
  • Poundage Fee CATS Per Day   $35.00

*Dogs and Cats with known owner(s) are held for 7 days. Dogs and Cats without a known owner are held for 72 hours as per Dog and Cat Acts.

Registration Fees (Unsterilised) Dogs only

1 Year $50.00
3 Years $120.00
Lifetime $250.00

Registration Fees (Sterilised) Dogs & Cats

1 Year $20.00
3 Years $42.50
Lifetime $100.00

Registration Fees - Renewed on 1st November every year (1st May - 31st October 50% of listed fee)

Animal Adoption Procedure

  • All adopted animals will be required to be registered and microchipped
  • An adoption contract must be completed

Responsible Ownership of Dogs and Cats 

Owning and keeping a pet is a very rewarding experience and can give you hours of fun and companionship.  In return, you need to have a caring and responsible attitude towards the welfare of your pet and be willing to learn how to care for its health and understand its behaviour.  The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley promotes responsible pet ownership and seeks to increase community knowledge and awareness regarding pet care. As a result, the Shire has implemented the Domestic Animal Management Plan. Detailed information on domestic pets can be found below:


For information on other animals please see Animals or Poultry & Other Animals.

Litter Awareness

Every time someone carelessly throws or drops a cigarette butt onto the ground, they are littering. From this senseless laziness, huge bushfires are born. 

Every time someone carelessly throws or dumps litter on the ground, they are endangering Australia’s wildlife and adding unnecessary hazards to our land.

Every time someone carelessly dumps an unwanted vehicle in our bushland, they spoil the natural beauty of the bush and risk polluting the soil with chemicals. LITTERING IS UNACCEPTABLE TO THE COMMUNITY if you see someone commit an offence, report the details to Ranger ServicesKEEP OUR SHIRE LOOKING BEAUTIFUL AND LITTER-FREE For free information and to find out how you can get involved with 'Keep Australia Beautiful' programs visit www.kabc.wa.gov.au.

Parking Infringements

Ranger Services conduct patrols of the Shire’s parking precincts daily. Parking infringements can be paid at the Shire’ office, 20 Coolibah Drive, Kununurra and Koolama Street, Wyndham All requests for review of parking infringements must be in writing. For more information contact the Ranger Services team.


During business hours (8am to 4pm*, Monday to Friday):

Kununurra - Phone: (08) 9168 4100

Wyndham - Phone: (08) 9161 1200

After hours Ranger Services:  (08) 9168 4166 (EMERGENCIES ONLY)

*Lost Pets are available for collection from 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday